Feel Better, Live Better, Perform Better
Providing pain relief through chiropractic care and massage therapy in Strongsville, Brunswick, Hinckley, North Royalton, and neighboring Cleveland area locations.
Home Stretches and Exercises
Most patients are looking for more than just relief when they begin care at our Ohio chiropractic office. As each patient heals, our expert Cleveland chiropractor moves through stages to ultimately get the patient to a point where muscles and joints are healthy and functioning properly. An important part of Cleveland back and pain care is to help each individual to demonstrate proper home stretches.
Part of how we do this is with the use of the Flexband stretch tool. This simple tool is basically a large, thick rubber band. It is very versatile for both stretching and strengthening. Some of the stretches we demonstrate to patients are shown below:
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday
9- 12:30, 3- 6:00
Copyright 2012: Performance Chiropractic | Cleveland Back and Pain | All rights reserved.
19612 W. 130th St. Strongsville,
OH 44136 440-572-2225
Cleveland Chiropractor and Back Pain Rehab
19612 W. 130th St
Strongsville, OH
1. Begin in a neutral position with one hand holding the band and the same-side foot standing on the band. There should be enough tension to pull down on the shoulder.
Neck Stretches
(*hold all stretches for 30-45 seconds.)
2. Next, lean from the waist to the opposite side of the band. Then lean the head away from the band straight over the shoulder
3. Next, while still leaning to the side, tip the head forward and to the side. This stretch will work on the muscles which often spasm after a stressful day.
4. Last, while still leaning, tilt the head up and back at an angle. This looking up and to the side will stretch a group of muscles in the front of the neck down to the collar bone.
5. These stretches are to be repeated on the opposite side and held for the same time frame.
1. Begin by extending one leg and looping the band around the center of the foot.
Low Back & Leg
(*hold all stretches for 30-45 seconds.)
2. Grip the band with both hands and pull the leg up into the air. The opposite leg should stay flat on the ground. The pull should be down the back of the leg and into the calf muscle.
3. Next, holding with band on the same side as the looped foot, let the opposite arm extend out to the side. The shoulders should stay flat on the ground. Swing the leg out to the side.
4. Switch hands and let the other arm extend out to the side. Swing the leg across the body. Keep the legs straight and the shoulders flat on the ground.
5. This stretch puts the legs in a position that ressembles the number "4." Rest the ankle with the looped band on the opposite knee. Hold the band, with both hands, near the far end just below the foot. Pull the hands, ankle, and knee towards your head. This stretches the buttock area on the band side.
6. With this stretch, roll to the side with the band leg away from the floor. Swing the arms around and above your head. Let the knee with the band bend so that the foot approaches touching the buttock. (Keep the leg parallel to the ground.) Straighten the arms to increase the leg pull.
1. Hold the band with the thumb pointed up. Step with the opposite leg and lean away from the wall.
Upper Back Stretches
(*hold all stretches for 30-45 seconds.)
2. Using the opposite hand, bring the arm across the body and lean away from the wall.
3. Holding the band with both hands, bend at the waist so the torso is parallel with the floor and lean back.